Write To Riches Book Cover on iPad

An 8-week immersion into the 7 Steps to Manifest Abundance from Your Books

Spend 8 weeks diving into abundance mindset for authors. You'll uncover your blocks, get clear on your goals, learn how to utilize energy to draw sales, how to trust your gut to make decisions for your business, and how to honor yourself while you trust in the process.

Ready to take your Manifesting abilities to the next level?

Deep dive into the Write to Riches process with this new, guided, in-depth eight week course.
Simply the act of joining forces with a community of like-minded manifestors can ignite your power to receive, create and generate for your future.
You are standing on the precipice of having it all. Take it. Activate it, keep it. It’s yours.
This eight-week course will open your eyes to blocks and limitations you’ve had in place and help you act. There will be video course work and live weekly Zoom calls as well as a journaling cafe where you can show up and download answers from the Universe for your career. 

Note: signing up below will add you to our Waitlist, but you will still need to enroll once the course is live.

Abundance is Available to Everyone

Find out how to align your energy, clear your blocks and open up to receive all the abundance you desire.

"You don't have to kill yourself working to be abundant. You don't have to do anything. You can receive money just for being you."

Hitting 7 Figures

I'm Renee Rose, a USA Today bestselling romance author. Ten years ago I started writing with a big dream--hitting 7 figures a year from my books. For the past three years, I've hit that goal and I attribute my success to an abundance mindset.

Abundance mindset takes the pain out of authoring. With this course, you'll learn to release the trappings of lack mentality--the comparisonitis, fatigue, writer's block, doubts and fears that can accompany our journey as writers--and invite ease and abundance.