Join for 8 more weeks of live calls!

(Available to past Write to Riches Course Students only)

Retake the course or just stay fresh on the material by joining the next cohort on the 8 live coaching calls with Author Abundance Coach Renee Rose.

You'll continue to develop your skill at practicing the 7 steps for manifesting abundance from your books.

Live Calls will be held at 11am PT / 2pm ET starting October 15th (the first week is a Tuesday but then only Wednesdays after that)

  • Uncover and clear limiting beliefs, money blocks, and energetic barriers to success
  • Get clear on your goals, clarify your "why's" and make a clear "ask" for your future
  • Learn how to utilize energy to draw sales
  • Tap into your intuition and trust your gut for business decisions and writing
  • Pull in the power of the future you're trying to create now.
  • Do less to receive more and trust in perfect timing
  • How to honor yourself while you trust in the process

Authors will emerge from the 8-week intensive transformed and ready to manifest magic, miracles and money!

Write to riches book cover

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